Health & Safety
in welding:

Understanding the hazards and risks specific to the welding and fabrication industry and identifying ways to control those risks.
Write your awesome label here.


12 pm -
1 pm

45 mins +
15 mins Q&A

11 March -
13 March


 Webinar Program



Make your workplace safer and more productive by effective risk management

In the series of three webinars, you will be shown the major risks found in most welding and fabrication workplaces and get to see a range of control measure to reduce the potential of harm. You will get to understand the roles and responsibilities of people involved in introducing and maintaining those controls.

The first session is about understanding the relevant Acts, the role of WorkSafe and identifying support resources for implementing controls. This session is aimed at management, safety team members and all people involved in implementing a safe work environment.

The following seminars go deeper into specific hazards and risks and compares some of the practical solution to these issues. These sessions are for anyone who may exposed in any way to the welding and fabrication industry as it will raise awareness as they enter the workspace.
All prices include GST.

All 3 webinars

HERA Member
(full price)
Want to get a HERA membership discount, but aren’t a member?

Find out how to become one today! Or contact our Manager Customer Experience, Rebecca Symonds for more information.
Not only will this reduce your course fees for your business, but also for any of your employees throughout the year. And depending on the tier of membership you choose you can also enjoy discounts on offered resources and other membership benefits as well.

On the completion of Webinar Series, attendees will be able to apply welding knowledge to their projects and communicate quality requirements to fabricators and inspection companies.

Webinar 1: Introduction to H&S in welding: 11th March 2025 at 12:00pm

Webinar 2: Hazards and Risks Control: 12th March 2025 at 12:00pm

Webinar 3: Hazards and risks control continues: 13th March 2025 at 12:00pm

Patrick Fenemor | HERA Senor Welding Engineer

I have been involved with the Heavy Fabrication industry and safe work requirements all my working life. I served an apprenticeship in a Heavy Engineering workshop before 10 years working on a major Petro-chemical plant. I was Safety Manager/Engineer at a milk processing facility for 10yrs before 20yrs as a Welding Specialist/Technical Manager for a multi-national welding supply company before a period as a trainer for a safety training company.

My wide range of roles has exposed me to almost every hazard faced in a day-to-day workshop so I can speak from experience. I want to pass on my knowledge to you to help keep everyone healthy in your workplace.

Join me in the upcoming webinar as we will explore the safer way to work

Course Lessons